
Crane Worldwide Logistics in Colombia offers air freight and ocean freight forwarding as well as logistics services. 

Our logistics experts in Colombia work in partnership with our clients offering tailor-made logistics solutions including International Air freightOcean freightProject Logistics and Contract Logistics with full warehousing capabilities. Our expertise in project cargo is available to support your OOG shipments. Supported by our global network of offices, please don't hesitate to reach out with all your logistics inquiries. 

We are located just 45 minutes away from "El Dorado" International Airport and 40 minutes from the core factories and business enterprises.

Contact us

Freight Forwarder in Bogota

Avenida Calle 26 #69-76
Edificio Elemento, Torre 3, Oficina 1001
Bogota, Cundinamarca 111071 Colombia

+60 1 7430226

Freight Forwarder in Cartagena

Cl. 25 #24A-16, Manga, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena
Edificio Twins bay Oficina 1205
Cartagena, 130001 Colombia

+60 1 7430226

Request a Quote

Let one of our client advocates build a solution that fits your logistics needs.

+1 888-870-2726