October 15, 2024

ACAS Vague and Unacceptable Description Rejection - UPDATE

Update: ACAS Vague and Unacceptable Description Rejection

From April 2024, US Customs Border and Protection (CBP) had implemented the cargo messaging regarding vague noncompliant cargo descriptions. Recently CBP has enforced a new measure for nationwide rejection of vague descriptions in Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS). Prior to issuing rejections, CBP has extended the warning period, which will now end on November 11, 2024.

Rejections will be effective noon EST on November 12, 2024

Carriers and other parties electing to file ACAS data to CBP are required to provide a precise description of the cargo. ACAS filers are expected to screen the data and correct the rejection immediately, with the shipper and Airway Bill issuer for compliance on that shipment. If CBP identifies any enforcement concerns, CBP may take additional actions. 

Vague Cargo Descriptions include, but not limited to: 

  • Gift
  • Daily necessities
  • Accessories
  • Parts
  • Consolidated (Only acceptable at the master bill level)

A non-exhaustive list of Examples of Unacceptable vs Acceptable Cargo Descriptions is posted to the CBP website. This list is not a specific itemized list, will continue to evolve, and contains some generic examples which will require programming (e.g. cannot be only numerical values or special characters, must be in English, cannot be a brand name only, etc.). A warning or rejection notification may be sent for a vague description that is not specified on the list. When this occurs, the Filer is expected to update that specific filing and then update their software for future filings. 

What does this mean for Importer/Exporter? 

Please provide precise and accurate descriptions on your Commercial Invoice for commodities imported into USA.

Update 19th August 2024

Precise description of cargo required

Recently, US Customs Border and Protection (CBP) nationally implemented cargo messaging to communicate with the entry filer on shipments that have vague noncompliant cargo descriptions. Carriers and other parties electing to file electronic cargo information to CBP, are required to provide a precise description of the cargo. 

Failure to comply could ultimately result in monetary penalties, increased inspections, and delay of cargo. CBP may issue liquidated damages of $16,971 per violation for the submission of inaccurate or false information. 

15 CFR 30.6(a)(13), Commodity Description. Report the description of the goods shipped in English in sufficient detail to permit verification of the Schedule B or HTS number. 
Commodity descriptions auto populated from the Harmonized Tariff Schedule or Schedule B can no longer be utilized to describe cargo. 

Vague Cargo Descriptions Include: 

  • Gift 
  • Daily necessities 
  • Accessories 
  • Parts 
  • Consolidated (Only acceptable at the master bill level) 

What does this mean for You? 

Please provide precise and accurate descriptions on the Shipper’s Letter of Instructions (SLI) or Commercial Invoice for commodities that will need to be filed on the EEI.

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