January 28, 2021

Two-Stage Enforcement of APHIS Core Message Set

Two-Stage Enforcement of APHIS Core Message Set

The US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has announced a two-stage enforcement of the APHIS CORE message set to allow the trade to adjust to the data element requirements.

The first stage of enforcement began January 25, 2021, requiring filers to submit the message data set for regulated products.  During this time, APHIS indicates continue to maintain “warning” level Harmonized Tariff Code flagging.

Beginning March 15, 2021, during the second and final stage, APHIS will fully enforce APHIS CORE message data set submission using the “reject” severity flag.

Please refer to the following links for additional information and guidance.


Crane Trade Services can assist you with questions regarding this new APHIS requirement.  For assistance please contact CWTSConsulting@craneww.com.

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