April 27, 2022

Trade Advisory - New Aluminum Import Monitoring (AIM)

New Aluminum Import Monitoring (AIM) Requirements

Per CSMS #51720841, beginning June 29, 2022, aluminum import licensing applications will require both fields of “country of largest smelt” and “country of second largest smelt.” Commerce has defined the field for the country of smelt as the country where the largest volume of new aluminum metal is produced from alumina (refined aluminum oxide_ by the electrolytic Hall-Heroult process. There was a grace period of one year until June 28, 2022.  License applications filed on or after June 29, 2022, may no longer state the grace period “unknown” for these fields.

Further information can be found at the link below:

Crane Trade Services can assist you with questions regarding this matter. For assistance, please contact CWTSConsulting@craneww.com.

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