February 28, 2024

Crane Cares in Australia - Supporting our local communities

Sponsorship renewed for 2024 for AFL football team in Perth.

Girls playing AFL footballCrane Worldwide Logistics is delighted to renew the sponsorship of the Ocean Ridge Eagles AFL team as a Platinum sponsor. 

As an ongoing investment in the local AFL team in Perth, Crane Worldwide Logistics in Perth has renewed sponsorship for the 2024 season.

From food drives to local charity support, Crane Worldwide's outreach program "Crane Cares" is active in the local communities in which we operate.

For more information about Crane Cares, click here

Proud sponsors of local AFL team, Ocean Ridge Eagles, in Perth. 

As part of our ongoing support to our local communities, in July 2022, Crane Worldwide Logistics in Perth, Australia commited to sponsoring local AFL team, Ocean Ridge Eagles.

The AFL (Australian Football League) kicks off mid-April and our community involvement with the local Perth team was in full display with the new Crane Worldwide jumpers that have strong indigenous significance.

The design incorporates several key features:

  • The Waalitj - The Eagle representing the guardian of the sun and the earth and flies highest of all. The sun rests on its chest with everything below representing its guardianship. The position of the eagle of the jumper represents the club and the players rising into the future.
  • Djinda - Djinda is a Noongar word meaning 'star'. Stars in life and stars in the community, Djinda represents those guiding their family and community by kanangoor 'shining brightly'. Surviving against the odds and a determination to keep your family safe are also represented by the Djinda star. 
  • Heathridge Park - Aboriginal artwork often incorporates places of high importance. A circular image representing the park is decorated with 'U' shapes that have been incorporated into the design to represent the players and on the outer rim, the supporters, volunteers and coaching staff.
  • Moorditj Bidi - Following the good path. Noongar artwork often represents journeys through time and across country. The circle symbols on the jumper represent the locations of the opposition teams that the team travel to for away fixtures. The blue line on the path represents the period of the club’s history.
  • Nobiny Kanangoor - The sun symbol worn by the Waalitj as a badge of honour represents an important story in our community. On the 20th of March 2022, Brody (Wood) Kenney passed away, aged 22. His age is represented by the 22 dots encompassing the sun. Son of Sharon Wood-Kenney and Brad Kenney, Brody was a valued and much loved member of the football club and wider community. He is represented as a sun and warrior. Brody is affectionately known as 'Sonshine' by his mother. 
  • Ngalang Wongka - Our Story, this design, seen on the back of the jumper represents the club’s past, present and future. The four waves represent Mullaloo beach located directly west of Heathridge Park. The circles represent the Senior and Junior clubs at Ocean Ridge, whilst the black dots represent our seven senior sides. The yellow dots represent the 44-year history of the club. 
  • Wagyi - The Wagyi is the Noongar manifestation of the Rainbow Serpent. The Wagyi is a snake-like dreaming creature responsible for the creation of the Swan and Canning Rivers, as well as other waterways and landscapes around South-West Western Australia. The Wagy is iseen weaving its way through the jumper as it would have when it created the landscapes where the team plays.

During the recent trial games before the season begins, the new indigenous design jumpers were launched with a full ceremony, including local indigenous elders.

"We wish the Ocean Ridge Eagles the very best in the upcoming AFL season and are delighted to have the opportunity to support our local club as part of our ongoing commitment to our local community", comments Peter O'Brien, Managing Director Australia at Crane Worldwide Logistics.

"Many thanks to all who supported the design of the indigenous jumper that has strong cultural relevance for the team", he adds.

Get to know us in Perth. You can learn more about our logistics operations here

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