November 14, 2022
The dwell fee implementation date by the Port of Houston was initially scheduled to begin December 1st. Still, the import dwell fee implementation date will be postponed due to software enhancement delays. The Port of Houston will provide a 30-day notice before the new effective date.
According to the Port of Houston, to address long-term container dwell, the Sustained Import Dwell Fee applies to all loaded import containers on the terminal on that date and after that and will be the cargo owner's responsibility.
A $45 per unit per day charge will be assessed beginning on the eighth day after the expiration of free time, as defined in Tariff No. 15 Subrule 095 and Tariff No. 14 Subrule 093 (Free Time). This fee is in addition to the demurrage charges for loaded import containers also provided for in those subrules and does not replace those charges. The decision to impose the fees lies on the import container backlog at Port Houston, resulting in long truck queues outside of its terminals and increased turn times for drivers, drastically affecting terminal operations' productivity.
The Executive Director of the port of Houston stated that after evaluating several other options to improve the port's cargo movement, it is only reasonable to incentivize further the BCO or third party accepting the charge on its behalf to remove containers from the terminal and reduce dwell time.
Moreover, a $7 million contract for a 12-acre expansion of a "pop-up" container yard at the Barbours Cut terminal was approved.
Excessive Import Dwell Fees are expected to be implemented by Port Houston's Executive Director as needed to encourage container movement further. This will take effect following thirty days' public notice and remain in effect for at least sixty days. The Excessive Import Dwell Fee applies to all loaded import containers on site on the effective date and after that. The following charges would be assessed beginning on the applicable period after the expiration of Free Time:
This fee is in addition to the demurrage charges for loaded import containers as provided in Tariff No. 15 Subrule 095 and Tariff No. 14 Subrule 093 and would not replace those charges. Sustained Import Dwell Fees will not continue to accrue when the Excessive Import Dwell Fee is in effect.
How can I pay these fees?
Payments can be made by credit card or guarantee through Lynx. No invoices will be sent.
Note: Guarantees only available with an existing credit account with Port Houston
Can I pay through a future date?
Yes, when you make your payment, you can choose the Paid Thru Date.
How do I access Lynx?
How do I create a Lynx ID?
Go to the abovementioned site and register for an account directly from the sign-in page.
Who do I contact if I have issues with Lynx?
Port Houston Customer Service: 713-670-1100
Barbours Cut:
To view current tariff information, visit
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